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Monday, December 6, 2010

Waaay Tooooo Sloooowww

    You know what really grinds my gears, slow drivers. Driving on the road is dangerous, especially when you are going fast, but it is also dangerous when you go too slow. I just started driving on major roads, and I've encountered more dangerous slow drivers than fast drivers. I get it, driving slower allows you to have more control of the car, but I don't think going 30 in a 50 mph zone is the safest thing in the world. If you aren't comfortable with going the speed limit, there is a simple fix that will help fix your problem. Get off the road and stop grinding my gears.

Here's a link to a site with a joke about slow drivers. It's not hilarious but it will make you smile a bit. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Really MTV?

      You know what grinds my gears, MTV, specifically all of the teenage pregnancy shows. Now a days, there are definitely a ton of MTV pregnancy shows, or three specifically. MTV started out with 16 and Pregnant to show the hardships of being a teenager and being pregnant. Then they felt the need to add on two more shows about the same exact thing to stress the hardships even more, but all I think MTV is successfully doing is saying, if you get pregnant you get  on a TV show. Statistics have shown that teenage pregnancies have gone up 15% since the MTV shows have started. Also, 60% of the statistics people share are made up. Anyway, the pregnant shows are pointless, I watch them to see the drama, not to reinforce abstinence. So, MTV slow down with the pregnancy shows and go back to Top 10 music countdown, we can get shows about life from Lifetime.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Harry Potter!!!!

 Guess what?!?! Eight more days until Harry Potter, yaaaay!!!!! This series has been one of the most exciting ever, the book and the movies, but for some reason, Harry Potter upsets a lot of people. So, you know what really grinds my gears, when people go so far as to say Harry Potter is evil. Time and tim again I here tons of people say, in there little "tisk tisk" voices, "Harry Potter supports witch craft, and goes against God." This might be the most annoying thing I've ever heard, when does Harry Potter say, God is useless, witchcraft is the way to go-never-so why does everyone freak out? Well, this post is getting too deep and overly serious, kind of like the people who think Harry Potter is evil. And that's the problem, people look to deep into it, I'll say it once and never again, "It's a movie or book, if you say "immobulous" no one is going to freeze, it's not real, so chill out, and stop saying Harry Potter is evil, for crying out loud it's about the good guys beating the bad guys. So, next time your about to say Harry Potter goes against God-don't- cause it grinds my gears, thank you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How many more times can you ask the same question?

       You know what really grinds my gears, when students ask the same questions multiple times. Imagine this, you are learning a new lesson, and you know that now is the only time you are going to learn this lesson before you go onto the next one. Then, one student cuts off the teacher to ask a question. The teacher being the nice person that they are answers the question, and proceeds with the lesson. Not ten seconds later, the student rephrases the question, and gets the same answer, the teacher resumes- "So what your saying is, if blah blah blah, is blah blah blah, then blah blah blah blah equals blah?" This goes on for the next few minutes, and before you know it, the bell rings, and so far, all you have learned is the name of the chapter. Anyway, just felt like venting about these annoying too many question asking students. Also, here's a link to a video about what should happen to all students who ask to many questions.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Early Christmas

      It's that time of year again,  the lights are being hung, presents are being placed under the tree, and fake reindeer litter front lawns, yes everyone it is almost Thanksgiving. What, Christmas decorations aren't supposed to go up this early, well tell that to all of the department stores out there. You know what really grinds my gears, when stores skip over Thanksgiving and immediately prepare for Christmas. Every year, around the beginning of November, stores start putting up Christmas decorations. This action is probably one of the most insulting things to do, they are basically saying there is no time to give thanks and realize blessings, there is only time to buy. Maybe I'm looking to deep into this, but putting up Christmas decorations this early in stores looks kind of needy and pathetic. It's like they think whoever puts the decorations up first, sells the most over priced merchandise, but the truth is, whoever puts up the decorations first grinds my gears more. So Macy's, Dillard's, Nordstrom's, and all you other department stores, chill out, and decorate your stores the day before Christmas like all of the other procrastinators.

Friday, November 5, 2010

        You know what really grinds my gears, when little children own cellphones. Just the other day, I saw a third grader talking on their iPhone, come on, seriously? I didn't get my first cell phone until I was in seventh grade, and I got the same "adorable," chunky flip-phone everyone else got. I'm not sure what is going on in some of the parents heads, your five year old does not need cellphone. People need cellphones to reach people they are not near, so your first grader shouldn't be away from you that often, and if they are, keep a look out for DEFAX. What is worse about little children with cellphones is it makes them believe they have a right to a cellphone, and it makes that desire to have one that much more great. A friend of mine recently wrote a blog that talked about how out of the surveyed 2000 children, the number one Christmas gift on the list is an iPhone 4. Really, what happened to barbie dolls, footballs, and Furbies? So this Christmas, parents please don't buy your little kids cellphones, at least not ones better than mine.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Don't Interrupt- Rude"

     You know what grinds my gears- know wait, let me finish- people who interrupt my conversations, or anyone's for that matter. Imagine this, you have waited patiently to talk and say your opinion, and you finally get to start talking, when- guys do you remember that thing that happened yesterday- someone interrupts you. It's not fun when it happens, but I know it happens to everyone, because there are many parodies about people who always interrupt. There is one video, called Bon Qui Qui, that has a phrase almost every teenager has heard, and even comments about how rude interrupting is. Interrupting people are rude, because when they do cut you off, they are basically saying, "whatever I have to say is more important than what you have to say." So the next time someone interrupts you, interrupt them back by saying, "stop grinding my gears."