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Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Don't Interrupt- Rude"

     You know what grinds my gears- know wait, let me finish- people who interrupt my conversations, or anyone's for that matter. Imagine this, you have waited patiently to talk and say your opinion, and you finally get to start talking, when- guys do you remember that thing that happened yesterday- someone interrupts you. It's not fun when it happens, but I know it happens to everyone, because there are many parodies about people who always interrupt. There is one video, called Bon Qui Qui, that has a phrase almost every teenager has heard, and even comments about how rude interrupting is. Interrupting people are rude, because when they do cut you off, they are basically saying, "whatever I have to say is more important than what you have to say." So the next time someone interrupts you, interrupt them back by saying, "stop grinding my gears."

Bragging About "Their" Cars

       You know what really grinds my gears, when teenagers think they are the coolest people on earth while driving "their" expensive luxury cars. First off, I honestly want to know why parents would buy their kids some of the most expensive cars to begin with, all we need is something drivable and safe, it doesn't have to have self parking, keyless ignition, or go 0 to 60 in three seconds, even though that would be exciting. But, the truth is, parents do buy their kids these cars, and for some odd reason, quite a few of them seem to get it into their heads that it automatically gives them the right to brag about it. Quick news flash, you're not cool, and you have no bragging rights. Odds are you didn't buy that luxury car by your self, and I bet you don't pay for the insurance on it either, so the next time you start to brag about the awesome car you have, realize, you don't even own it, gear grinder.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Know-It-Alls (aka. Kias)

You know what really grinds my gears, I'll give you a hint. They rest on six legs, they always seem to have an answer, and if no one shuts them up, they can carry on forever. If you guessed an old person with a walker...you're wrong, because old people are awesome and come with candy. The people I'm talking about are the classic, classroom know-it-alls. Everyone knows one, and if a name did not immediately pop into your head, that person is most likely you, but you probably "knew" that already. 
Kias ("kee-uhs"), or know-it-alls, are by far one of the most gear grinding students I have ever encountered. They are up there with the bum-like student who always gets 100s, and the project partner that graciously leaves you to do all of the work, but those are posts for another time. With Kias there is NEVER a statement or question they don't have a response for. Don't get me wrong, if you have the answer, go ahead and speak up, but give some other people in the class a chance, you aren't the only smart one there. Also, once you say your answer, no one is asking for your detailed explanation on how you came to discover the great conclusion that was your answer, the teacher only asked what 2 plus 2 is, you can take a seat and calm down. Kias have become so notorious, that there are actually sites dedicated to tame you and your ranting ways. I actually enjoyed Scott Hayden's post, on "How to Deal with Know-It-All Personalities." (I'll put the link down at the bottom of this post.) 

To all of the Kias out there, do know, for every kia rant you go on, you add one more person who is waiting for you to say something utterly dumb. And when you do say something moronic, we will be there, so that we can exploit it and wave your dumb comment over your head, for the remainder of class time. So, Kias if you don't want that, shut-up and shape up, so you can stop grinding my gears.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Gear Grinders Poll

So every week or so I will put a new voting poll on my blog site, (like the one you see on the right) and the two that get the most votes I'll blog about. And, if you don't vote, forget you then. No, I'm just joking, I'll just have to decide on my own. Also, if you have anything that "grinds your gears," leave a comment, everyone should have an opportunity to share what really grinds their gears.